SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: Adam Cayton-Holland, Ben Roy, Andrew Orvedahl, Maria Thayer Series Plot: Those Who Can't follows three trouble-making teachers Loren Payton, Billy Shoemaker and Andy Fairbell. More inept than the kids they teach, they're out to beat the system as they struggle to survive each day on their own terms. Joining them is Abbey, the school librarian with an in-suppressible passion for life.New challenges arise in Season 2 as the teachers struggle to deal with a principal regime change, which has dramatically shaken things up inside Smoot High. They're forced to take their schemes to greater lengths in order to keep their jobs, their friends and their 'dignity.' It's going to be a long year if they can make their way through it.
EPISODE INFO Title: K-Pop Goes the Weasel Airdate: 2016-04-07 Episode plot: A former student leaves a threatening letter for Principal Quinn, Loren, Shoemaker and Fairbell and they quickly realize they're stuck in the middle of his sick, murderous game. Trapped in the school at night, with corpses piling up, the teachers must fight for survival.
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