SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: Kenan Thompson, Chris Redd, Kimrie Lewis, Don Johnson, Dannah Lane Series Plot: Beloved Saturday Night Live cast and NBC family member, the irresistibly funny Kenan Thompson stars in a new family comedy that delivers on his undeniably charming and wondrously magnetic personality. In the series, Kenan strives to be a super dad to his two adorable daughters, while balancing his job and a father-in-law who "helps" often in the most unhelpful ways. Kenan's got a lot to juggle, but if anyone can do it, he can!
EPISODE INFO Title: Destroying Miami Airdate: 2022-01-31 Episode plot: Kenan, Gary, Mika, Tami and Phil head to Miami for some fun, but with love in the air they find a lot of trouble. Rick and Loretta stay home to take care of the girls, but things don't go as smoothly as they should.
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