Story continues from the Japanese Signal drama series. In 2021, a limousine taxi driver causes an accident on a highway and a high-level government official dies in the accident...
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Genre: Mystery IMDB: Stars: Kentaro Sakaguchi, Kazuki Kitamura, Michiko Kichise, Yuichi Kimura, Tetsuhiro Ikeda Plot: Story continues from the Japanese Signal drama series. In 2021, a limousine taxi driver causes an accident on a highway and a high-level government official dies in the accident. Cold case investigation team, including Kento Saegusa and team leader Misaki Sakurai, have doubts about the case. Meanwhile, in 2009, administrative officers die consecutively in car accidents. The police announce these deaths as accidents. Takeshi Ōyama believes that these deaths were not the product of simple accidents. At 11:23 pm, a walkie-talkie turns on and makes a connection between the future and past. Kento Saegusa and Takeshi Ōyama face the threat of bioterrorism.
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