You are about to read a powerful set of strategies that model excellence going back thousands of years into the past to find the most effective ways to help people create lasting change.
As you go through the strategies and methods in this book, first apply the principles to your own life. You will experience rapid transformation in your outlook, aptitude, and your ability to influence and connect with others.
As you share these ideas with clients whom you work with, you become a more effective NLP practitioner and expert-level life coach. This book is a manual with diagrams, forms, and clear explanations of various tools that professionals can use in creating excellence in NLP and Life-Coaching.
What is covered in this book?
There are three sections. The first overviews life coaching and NLP modeling that goes back to ancient times and also looks at what are new applications since Neuro-Linguistic Programming was first developed.
The second section is a collection of forms, processes, and methods for conducting life coaching sessions using neuro-linguistic programming and other strategies.
The third section is a collection of essential NLP patterns and how to use the processes to help people make change. You can use these resources as hypnosis scripts or as action strategies for your coaching sessions.
Product details
Publisher : Subliminal Science Press (June 22, 2021)
Publication date : June 22, 2021
Language : English
File size : 5878 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 345 pages
Lending : Enabled