SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Comedy Romance Stars: Lily James, Andrew Scott, Dominic West, Emily Beecham, Dolly Wells Series Plot: The Pursuit of Love follows the travails of the Radlett family, focusing on Linda, the most beautiful and wayward Radlett daughter, who falls first for a stuffy Tory politician, then an ardent Communist, and finally a French duke named Fabrice, and her cousin Fanny Logan. Consumed by a desire for love and marriage, the two women are on the hunt for the ideal lover. Their friendship will be put to the test as Fanny settles for a steady life and Linda decides to follow her heart, to increasingly wild and outrageous places.
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 3 Airdate: 2021-05-09 Episode plot: Fanny's put out to find that Linda has once again fallen head over heels in love, and is openly living as Fabrice de Sauveterre's mistress.
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