Thor: End of Days revolves around Thor's ongoing conflict with Loki, and Loki's insatiable thirst for power. When Loki escapes Asgard intent on conquering mankind, only Thor, the God Of Thunder, has the strength to stop him and prevent the End of Days.
GENERAL INFO Genre: Director: Stars: Plot: Thor: End of Days revolves around Thor's ongoing conflict with Loki, and Loki's insatiable thirst for power. When Loki escapes Asgard intent on conquering mankind, only Thor, the God Of Thunder, has the strength to stop him and prevent the End of Days.
Not done by Marvel Studios, it's a low budget knock-off. Don't expect Hemsworth, he isn't in this. Actually wish I hadn't wasted my bandwidth downloading this B-movie. Or more precisely, this BS movie.
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