SERIES INFO Genre: Crime Drama Stars: Tasia Zalar, Aaron Pedersen, Anthony Hayes, Judy Davis, Madeleine Madden, Deborah Mailman, Aaron McGrath, Wayne Blair, Tasma Walton, Colin Friels Series Plot: Detective Jay Swan takes on a grisly case in a new town, a coastal community where the desert meets the ocean and secrets past and present run deep. Jay must reconcile the law and deep lore and confront a dangerous enemy.
Spin-off from Ivan Sen’s films 'Mystery Road' and 'Goldstone'.
EPISODE INFO Title: To Live with the Living Airdate: 2020-05-17 Episode plot: Now in danger, Mary must lean into Jay for help. Jay struggles to keep Mary safe as the threat closes in on both of them. Fran feels betrayed as she digs deeper into Zoe's disappearance.
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