Whatever your age, whatever your learning environment, mindfulness can make a positive difference, and ‘Mindful Learning’ shows you how.Dr Craig Hassed is an internationally recogonised expert in mindfulness who has presented widely at national and international seminars and conferences and has published extensively in the areas of mind–body medicine and mindfulness. He has been instrumental in promoting mindfulness as a simple, natural and accessible technique for enhancing wellness, preventing and managing illness, and improving performance within health, educational and corporate settings. Craig is co-author of Exisle’s very successful ‘Mindfulness for Life’.
Dr Richard Chambers is a clinical psychologist in private practice, where he specialises in mindfulness-based therapies and runs regular mindfulness courses. He is also employed as a mindfulness consultant by Monash University and regularly consults to top-tier law firms and premier educational institutions. He is a developer of Smiling Mind, a free web and iPhone app designed to make mindfulness accessible to young people.