SERIES INFO Genre: Reality Stars: Terra Jole, Elena Gant, Tonya Banks, Christy McGinity-Gibel, Briana Manson, Jasmine Arteaga-Sorge, Traci Richelle-Harrison Series Plot: This new docu-series chronicles the adventures of a unique group of smart, sexy and funny girlfriends with big hearts, big personalities and even bigger drama…who all happen to be little people. "Little Women: LA" invites viewers to walk in their shoes as they deal with relationships, parenting, careers and especially, the ups and downs of friendships.
Each episode features longtime girlfriends Terra Jole, Tonya Banks, Elena Gant, Christy McGinity, Briana Manson and Traci Harrison. They laugh, cry, compete and fight with one another, but through it all they share a special unbreakable bond. And, while dealing with everyday challenges like the rest of the world, they prove that height is just a number. There’s nothing small about this loud and proud group who can teach us all a lesson or two about living life to the fullest.
EPISODE INFO Title: Rollin' With the Homies Airdate: 2019-04-11 Episode plot: Autumn feels smothered when Christy plans her skating disco-themed birthday party- Tonya tells the girls that she and Jaa are finally more than just friends- Terra receives a profound reading from clairvoyant medium Tyler Henry.
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