SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: Adam Cayton-Holland, Andrew Orvedahl, Benjamin Roy, Maria Thayer, Sonya Eddy, Rory Scovel Series Plot: Those Who Can't follows three trouble-making teachers, played by show creators Adam Cayton-Holland, Andrew Orvedahl and Ben Roy of the Denver-based comedy troupe The Grawlix. More inept than the kids they teach, they're out to beat the system as they struggle to survive each day on their own terms. Joining them is Maria Thayer (Eagleheart) as the school librarian with an insuppressible passion for life.
EPISODE INFO Title: Abbey's Road Airdate: 2019-04-01 Episode plot: Abbey enjoys success at her new career away from Smoot. In her absence, the gang struggles with their altered group dynamic and Loren takes over as librarian.
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