SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Medical Stars: Zachary Quinto, Teddy Sears, Tamberla Perry, Alex MacNicoll, Spence Moore II Series Plot: Inspired by the extraordinary life and work of world-famous author and physician Oliver Sacks, Brilliant Minds follows a revolutionary, larger-than-life neurologist and his team of interns as they explore the last great frontier - the human mind - while grappling with their own relationships and mental health.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Girl Who Cried Pregnant Airdate: 2024-10-28 Episode plot: When a group of pregnant teen girls turns up at Bronx General, Dr. Wolf and the residents find themselves on a strange path involving friendship bonds and the witchy side of TikTok (called WitchTok). Also, the audience slowly begins to observe who the interns are outside of the hospital walls. Like Dr. Wolf, the foursome have distinct stories and journeys that led them into the medical field.