SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Action Supernatural Stars: Taylor Hickson, Jessica Sutton, Amalia Holm, Demetria McKinney, Ashley Nicole Williams Series Plot: Set in an alternate America where witches ended their persecution 300 years ago by cutting a deal with the U.S. government to fight for their country, Motherland follows three young women from basic training in combat magic into early deployment at Fort Salem. In this world, the traditional roles of gender and power are flipped with the more dominant women on the front lines fighting looming terrorist threats that are familiar to our world, but with tactics and weapons supernatural.
EPISODE INFO Title: Of the Blood Airdate: 2021-06-22 Episode plot: Despite the threat of the Camarilla, the discovery of new witches gives Alder hope. Tally struggles with her role as a Biddy, and Raelle and Abigail return to Fort Salem with their mysterious new abilities.