SERIES INFO Genre: Action Sports Stars: Matt Iseman, Akbar Gbajabiamila, Kristine Leahy, Jenn Brown, Jonny Moseley Series Plot: American Ninja Warrior is an action-packed series that follows competitors as they tackle a series of challenging obstacle courses in both qualifying and finals rounds across the country. Those that successfully complete a course in their designated region move on to the national finals round in Las Vegas, where they face a stunning four-stage course modeled after the famed Mt. Midoriyama in Japan.
EPISODE INFO Title: Qualifiers 1 Airdate: 2021-05-31 Episode plot: A new generation of ninjas takes on the course at the famed Tacoma Dome. For the first time, competitors as young as 15 compete in round one of Qualifiers, where the ninjas face up to six challenging obstacles, including four new obstacles.