SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Horror Reality Stars: Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves, Dave Tango Series Plot: Paranormal pioneers Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango respond to urgent calls from ghost hunters who have reached a dead-end with their residential cases. Armed with state-of-the-art technology, a meticulous methodology and local contacts, the team tracks down the source of the unexplained phenomena to crack each intriguing case, restoring peace to the living -- and the dead.
EPISODE INFO Title: Reunion In Hell Airdate: 2020-10-31 Episode plot: In this spine-tingling, two-hour Halloween special, Ghost Nation stars Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango are calling in their old paranormal pals, Amy Bruni and Adam Berry of Kindred Spirits, to reopen a case that has taken a sinister turn. Seaview Terrace is the 40,000-square-foot Rhode Island mansion famous for being featured on the TV show Dark Shadows, but the owners were shocked to find out that a recent visitor – a self-proclaimed warlock – had performed some sort of blasphemous ceremony in the house. Now, they’re experiencing a shift in the mansion’s energy, unleashing something more menacing.