SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary History Mini-Series Stars: Robin Wright Series Plot: The six-part docuseries narrated by Golden Globe-winning actress Robin Wright, profiles Michelle Obama, Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Reagan, Eleanor Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson, and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Blending in-depth interviews, rare archival footage and cinematic recreations, First Ladies is a bold revision of each woman’s traditional portrayal, revealing how they were impacted during their time in the White House, and how their achievements fundamentally shaped American and global history.
EPISODE INFO Title: Jackie Kennedy Airdate: 2020-10-11 Episode plot: Jackie Kennedy’s time in the White House was short – thirty-five tumultuous months that promised a new dawn for America but were marked by private betrayal and public tragedy. Using rarely seen personal letters, photographs and intimate audio recordings, the episode reveals how Jackie took control of JFK’s legacy in the days following his assassination.