Follows a group of affluent young Persian-American friends who juggle their flamboyant, fast-paced L.A. lifestyles with the demands of their families and traditions.
SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Reality Stars: Reza Farahan, Golnesa Gharachedaghi, Asa Soltan Rahmati, Mike Shouhed, Mercedes Javid, Shervin Roohparvar, Asifa Mirza, Lilly Ghalichi, Adam Neely, Tommy Feight Series Plot: Bravo gives viewers a never-before-seen look inside the captivating lives of six young Persian-American friends in Los Angeles when "Shahs of Sunset" premieres on Sunday, March 11th at 10PM ET/PT. Partnering for the first time with Ryan Seacrest Productions, the network's latest docu-series follows a group of friends who are trying to juggle their active social lives and up-and-coming careers while balancing the demands of their families and traditions. These passionate socialites are fervent on the dating and party scene, but seeking approval from their families they face pressures to settle down and marry within the community. From outings on Rodeo Drive to traditional Persian feasts at home, this series celebrates the unique lifestyle of a group of friends who have worked hard for what they have and are not afraid to flaunt it.