SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary History Stars: Samira Ahmed Series Plot: This is a story about a land known by two names. The first is Persia: ancient, mysterious, a place of adventure, of mighty temples and palaces built by powerful kings. A land of unimaginable beauty. The second is Iran: proud, isolated, defiant of outside interference.
But behind these names lies the story of a complex and fascinating people, culture and history. Iran’s modern politics has obscured the glories of her Persian past, and the West’s understanding of its people is now entirely driven by the Islamic revolution that turned the country into a byword for radical Islam.
From labyrinthine bazaars to Persepolis - the seat of Persia’s ancient kings - to a temple where a holy fire has burned for 1,000 years, broadcaster and journalist Samira Ahmed takes viewers on a remarkable journey to places rarely seen. Along the way, she will tell an extraordinary story.
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 2 Airdate: 2020-06-22 Episode plot: Samira gives a remarkable account of the clash between two powerful civilisations and explains how Iran preserved its distinctive language and culture despite the Arab conquest of Persia in AD651. From Zoroastrian fire temples to the fabled bazaars of Aladdin and an ancient magical storybook that became Iran’s national myth, this second episode in the series reveals how the country has proudly held onto its Persian identity, art and literature to this day.