SERIES INFO Genre: Food Special Interest Stars: Noah Cappe Series Plot: Carnival Eats celebrates today's modern gastronomic freak show and takes you on an international, food-frenzied roller coaster of culinary delights, to the new epicenter of carnival life — food! Foods of every imaginable shape, size, color and taste are being created specifically for the connoisseurs who ply midways and fairgrounds, and Carnival Eats is there for every delicious bite.
EPISODE INFO Title: Fries in Disguise Airdate: 2020-06-14 Episode plot: Noah Cappe arrives at the Volusia County Fair in Florida, where two carnival classics get a makeover for the Cheesy Tater Corndog and the Black Forest Funnel Cake. Then he heads to the Aurora Winter Festival in Vancouver, Canada, for some fusion fair food with the Phorrito, Jacked Up Fries and Cannoli Nachos.