SERIES INFO Genre: Game Show Special Interest Stars: - Series Plot: Antiques experts accompany celebrities on a road trip around the UK searching for treasures and competing to make the most money at auction.
EPISODE INFO Title: John Stapleton and Lynn Faulds Wood Airdate: 2016-12-12 Episode plot: Celebrities hunt for antiques across the UK. A celebrity couple road trip with award-winning journalists John Stapleton and Lynn Faulds Wood. Joining them on this jolly jaunt are Thomas Plant and Margie Cooper. With ú400 in their pockets, the teams kick off in Wrightington, Lancashire, and head to Stockport for auction. Lynn and Thomas find themselves literally knee deep in antiques while hunting for old biscuit tins while Margie tries to convince John some rare lamps will make a profit. And John learns how an American revolutionised British public transport and Lynn sees why snakes are milked in Liverpool.