SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Mini-Series Stars: Sheridan Smith, David Threlfall, Robert Glenister, Darren Boyd, Angela Griffin, Eddie Marsan Series Plot: A series of four short dramas depicting life in lockdown. Each episode will be 15 minutes in duration and will reflect what families are going through after weeks of isolation.
The series will be filmed observing the strict rules of lockdown with actors and their families filming the scenes themselves watched remotely by the directors. Each of the directors - Paul Whittington, Paul Andrew Williams, Louise Hooper and David Blair - will be watching footage via their mobile phones and giving advice to the actors and their family members about camera positioning, scene composition and lighting as they record the scenes.
EPISODE INFO Title: Ron & Russell Airdate: 2020-05-05 Episode plot: A father and son are isolated in the family home, but they would rather be anywhere than forced to be together like this, with only each other for company.