SERIES INFO Genre: Reality Stars: Lee Rosbach, Amy Johnson, Jennice Ontiveros, Kat Held, Kate Chastain, Ben Robinson, Kelley Johnson, Eddie Lucas, Andrew Sturby, Samantha Orme Series Plot: Cruise into uncharted waters with this docu-series that follows a group of crewmembers living and working aboard “Honor,” a 164’ mega-yacht. The upstairs and downstairs worlds collide when this young single crew, known as “yachties,” live, love and work together onboard the luxurious, privately owned yacht, while tending to the ever-changing needs of their wealthy, demanding clients. While each crew member brings a different level of experience, they all share a love for this lifestyle that enables them to travel to some of the most beautiful and exotic locales in the world. Each episode features different charter guests -- from millionaires, to entertainers to hard-partying well-heeled friends -- as they move onto the boat for an at sea adventure.
EPISODE INFO Title: Cool Your Jets Airdate: 2013-07-01 Episode plot: The Honor crew welcomes their first group of charter guests: a gaggle of flamboyant fashion photographers who prove to be a boatload of trouble. Kat makes a shocking discovery that forces her into an agonizing decision- should she rat out the guests and ruin the charter, or risk serious consequences by turning a blind-eye? Adrienne chews out Sam for failing to respect her authority, but Sam refuses to back down and the two stews butt heads.
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