SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: - Series Plot: Enterprice is a new comedy written and created by Kayode Ewumi, co-creator of online smash #HoodDocumentary. Kazim and Jeremiah are two young entrepreneurs in the early stages of rolling out their home delivery service, Speedi-Kazz. Both are blessed with different skill-sets: Kazim has the energy and confidence, Jeremiah has the brains - but on occasion these differences can leave them at loggerheads. We follow their fledgling business, and this awkward bromance, as it makes its way into the homes of Kazim and Jeremiah's fellow Londoners.
EPISODE INFO Title: We Outchea Airdate: 2018-11-29 Episode plot: Jerry has returned to University, and he still doesn't feel at ease. His reports are sloppy and he clearly misses Speedi-Kazz and his close companionship with Kazim. Still, his parents continue to push him towards becoming a doctor, while his relationship with Layla looks shaky and confusing. Kazim has now decided to look for a new job, but an interview with an unlikely employer takes a bad turn. As he prepares to move out of his Mum's, he has one final bittersweet dance with her- his father however is less than warm. He and Jeremiah must meet with Fatima for one last time and report the truth about Speedi-Kazz. However, events take an incredible turn and Kazim and Jerry see something they truly never expected.
Will Kazim and Jeremiah reconcile their differences? Can Speedi-Kazz move forward as a company? Even when the future starts to look brighter, a figure from the past threatens to shakes things up.
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