SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Talk Show Stars: Kevin Hart Series Plot: Kevin Hart takes time out of his busy schedule to introduce the world to some of his favorite up-and-coming comedians, including James Davis, Mario Tory and William "Spank" Horton. Now’s their chance to make it big and break on through to the Next Level.
EPISODE INFO Title: Jeff Horste Airdate: 2018-08-24 Episode plot: Jeff Horste previously appeared in the Detroit episode of KEVIN HART PRESENTS: HART OF THE CITY on Comedy Central, and is now stepping into the spotlight with his own episode of Kevin Hart Presents: The Next Level. He is a versatile performer who can adapt a variety of subjects for diverse audiences and has worked in some of the top clubs and festivals throughout the country. He has appeared on the FOX TV show Laughs, and has performed in Atlanta's Laughing Skull Comedy Festival, the Boston Comedy Festival, and the Oddball Comedy & CURIOSITY Festival.
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