In a twilight world of international espionage, an unnamed CIA operative, known as The Protagonist, is recruited by a mysterious organization called Tenet to participate in a global assignment that unfolds beyond real time. The mission: prevent Andrei Sator, a renegade Russian oligarch with precognition abilities, from starting World War III. The Protagonist will soon master the art of "time inversion" as a way of countering the threat that is to come.
Tenet IMAX 2020.
An unnamed CIA operative codenamed the Protagonist is selected to join the ranks of
the shadowy government organisation called the Tenet, a group tasked with ensuring
the survival of humankind. Charged with mastering a mind bending technology and
thwarting an impending future attack, the Protagonist must form an uneasy alliance
with Neil, his cryptic new partner. Together, they follow a treacherous trail of
clues that leads to Sator, a malevolent Russian oligarch. But time is of the
essence; the invisible threat looms larger, putting our future in peril. Can these
two agents defy the odds and stop the oncoming apocalypse?
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