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Aviationexam has been the leading provider of theoretical exam preparation materials in Europe since 2004. Over the last decade, we have achieved extensive expertise in the knowledge requirements of EASA exams, which we have transferred into this study book series. This ebook covers every topic outlined by the EASA ATPL, CPL and IR syllabi for this subject.
Meteorology is the discipline of Earth sciences that aims to explain atmospheric processes which drive the weather and determine the climate. Common weather phenomena such as clouds, fronts, cyclones and anticyclones are the result of physical processes. For a detailed explanation, mathematical formulas of these processes are required. Of course, to provide a complete physical and mathematical description is beyond the scope of this book. However, we aim to walk through the key points of these processes. This book provides the basics which are required to understand the main atmospheric processes. In addition, we emphasise connections between the topics of the main chapters to gain a deeper understanding of weather phenomena. As a pilot, you have to deal with these phenomena at regular basis. The knowledge gained from this book helps you to operate aircraft more safely and economically. Later you can improve your knowledge through your experience acquired during flight hours