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Traditional Systems Engineering (SE) has flourished since the United States first entered the space race and developed Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. In ensuing decades more complex systems and/or systems-of-systems have resulted from continuous advancements in the technological world. Industry has been challenged by the constantly evolving needs for managing the growing number of systems and interfaces. Advances in Systems Engineering helps to address these challenges by shedding light upon modern systems engineering thought processes and paradigms. Its purpose is to explore research and development advances that are at the forefront of systems engineering. Topics Include:
- Fundamental concepts, challenges, and opportunities for SoS Integration (SoSI)
- Origins of socio-technical systems, contemporary perspectives, and methods and tools for addressing such systems
- Resilience of a system-of-systems or socio-technical system from human-made threats and natural hazards
- Model-based systems engineering (MBSE), where the model of the system is a primary artifact of the systems engineering process
- The Relational Oriented Systems Engineering Technology Tradeoff Analysis (ROSETTA) Framework
- Recent powerful advances in Lean systems engineering (LSE) and Lean program management (LPM) intended to reduce program waste, cost and schedule while promoting program quality and mission assurance