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Textbook in PDF format
Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Developers teaches you how to turn the advanced math of ECCs into code for your cryptographic applications.
Author Mike Rosing expertly helps you to rise to the ECC challenge, dispensing with the deep math and focusing on the minimum theory you need to get the job done.
Pairings over elliptic curves in cryptography
Description of finite field mathematics
Explaining the core of elliptic curve mathematics
Key exchange using elliptic curves
Prime field elliptic curve digital signatures explained
Finding good cryptographic elliptic curves
Description of finite field polynomial math
Multiplication of polynomials explained
Computing powers of polynomials
Description of polynomial division using Euclid’s algorithm
Creating irreducible polynomials
Taking square roots of polynomials
Finite field extension curves described
Finding low embedding degree elliptic curves
General rules of elliptic curve pairing explained
Weil pairing defined
Tate pairing defined