SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Comedy Family Stars: Elisha "EJ" Williams, Dulé Hill, Saycon Sengbloh, Laura Kariuki, Don Cheadle Series Plot: A coming of age story set in the late 1960s that takes a nostalgic look at a black middle-class family in Montgomery, Alabama through the point-of-view of imaginative 12 year-old Dean. With the wisdom of his adult years, Dean's hopeful and humorous recollections show how his family found their "wonder years" in a turbulent time.
EPISODE INFO Title: Forbidden Fruit Airdate: 2023-06-14 Episode plot: Torn between his secret relationship with Keisa and his friendship with Broderick, Dean turns to Jackie for advice. Meanwhile, after her latest run-in with the law, Jackie decides to turn over a new leaf.