Scope of this course is focused on applying JavaScript to create Pagination! – You need to have JavaScript knowledge before taking the course. Concepts covered are focused on a solution.
SOURCE CODE is included every step of the way
Often asked for by students is how to do pagination – the scope of this course is just that. Applying JavaScript code to break apart a large number of items across multiple pages. Then allow for navigation between them
If you have a lot of content pieces and want to provide a way to break them into pages so that users can easy view them, pagination is your solution. The course covers using JavaScript to first get the data from an API. Then load the data so that it can then be chunked into more manageable pieces. Creating multiple pages for user consumption.
Source Code and resources are included to get you started quickly.
Course covers :
Setup of HTML and selecting elements using JavaScript
Creating fetch request to retrieve API data
Loading data into web application from API
Creating page content from JavaScript Object
Using JSON data as JavaScript Object
Loading content from large object array, creating pages of content
Creating pagination navigation between pages of content
Applying JavaScript for real world applications.
Course is designed to highlight using JavaScript – JavaScript IS A Prerequisite TO THIS COURSE*****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the using objects and applying objects to object oriented programming. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.
No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.
Step by step learning with all steps included.
Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have.
Who this course is for:
Web developers
Anyone who wants to learn more about applying JavaScript
Web masters
JavaScript coders who want to learn more about using JavaScript
Anyone who wants to do interesting applications with JavaScript
Frontend code writers
HTML CSS and JavaScript core knowledge
Computer Access and Internet Access
Use of Web editor and knowledge to setup web development environment
Last updated 5/2019