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From the Preface:
This book grew out of courses I gave as guest professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna. Quantitative and mathematical approaches to the social sciences are incorporated both in the teaching curriculum and in the research approaches or that institution. However, the very fact that these approaches arc specifically mentioned in the description of the Institute's program attests to the circumstance that these methods an still not generally regarded as indispensable in the development of the social sciences as they obviously arc regarded in the development of the physical sciences. For this reason, a deliberate orientation of the social sciences toward quantification and mathematization still requires justification.
Introduction. Goals and Means
Classical Models
Mathematical Demography
Contagion and Diffusion
Arms Races
Global Modeling
Models of Control
The Weber-Fechner Law Reexamined
Applications of Catastrophe Theory to Models of International Conflict
Stochastic Models
Uses of the Poisson Distribution and Its Generalizations
Steady-Stale Distributions
Markov Chains of Social Mobility
Matrix Methods in Demography
Individual Choice Behaviour
Stochastic Learning Models
Structural Models
The Language of Structure Reduction of Structural Complexity Spatial Models
An Overview of Decision Theory Theory of Social Choice
Game-Theoretic Models: Coalitions and Consensus Formation Experimental Games
Problems of Quantification
Parameters and Indices Quantification of Power
Mobilization, Assimilation, Pacification and so on Indices of "International Weather" and Correlates of War
Concluding Remarks
Social Antecedents and Consequences of Mathcmatization