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Military Operations Research. Weapon Performance. Combat Modeling. Reliability. Target Detection. Defense Analyses Software.
This text presents the various mathematical methods used in military operations research in one easy-to-use reference volume. The reader will find the calculations necessary to analyze all aspects of defense operations, from weapon performance to combat modeling. The text is so clearly written and organized that even newcomers to the field will find it useful. Included with the text is an updated version of Defense Analyses Software, a compendium of software subroutines that allow the reader to compute numerical values for functions or tables derived in the text. Each subroutine is provided with a detailed reference to the equation from which it was derived to ensure that its intended application is consistent with the assumptions used in the derivation. The third edition has a new chapter on theater missile defense based on the concept of layered defense with different strategies of allocating defense interceptors against short- or mid-range ballistic missiles.
Scientific Methods in Military Operations.
Mathematical Methods
Quantitative Competence
Characteristic Properties of Weapons.
Weapon Performance Data
Empirical Averages
Scatter or Dispersion
Mean Point of Impact: Systematic Error
Passive Targets.
Binomial Distribution
Normal (Gaussian) Distribution
Poisson Distribution
Probability Density Distribution: Linear Error Probable (LEP)
Single-Shot Probability of Hit for a Rectangular Target
Probability of Target Kill or Hit for Multiple Shots
Probability of Destruction of a Point Target
Probability of Hit of a Rectangular Target
Probability of Hit of an Elliptic Target with Unequal Variances
Probability of Destruction of a Point Target in Space
Linear, Circular, and Spherical Error Probables
Expected Fractional Damage of a Uniform-Valued Target
Damage Functions for a Point Target in a Plane
Shrapnel Damage Functions
Weapon Effective Radius (Rw) for Surface Targets
Weapon Effective Radius (Rw) for Space Targets
Deterministic Combat Models.
Probabilistic Combat Models.
Strategic Defense.
Theater Missile Defense.
Tactical Engagements of Heterogeneous Forces.
Reliability of Operations and Systems.
Target Detection.
Optimization Methods.
Probability Tables.
Derivation of the Characteristic Function.
Analytical Solution of Equations of Combat.
Calculation of the Average Probability of No Detection.
Defense Analysis Software