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Why a Book About Human Computation?
In the new techno-culture of buffered sociality, in which young people spend more time wearing earbuds and texting frenetically than having real live conversations in a café, we consider the mounting existential challenges that our children and subsequent generations will face. Though human computation may not be a panacea, it does represent an opportunity for us to draw together more effectively as a global people to address such challenges. However, there is a practical issue. The problem that exists today is that human computation (HC) research is fragmented across isolated communities. That is, HC is developed and implemented in multifarious ways across diverse fi elds of inquiry and application yet each of these efforts occurs as an offshoot of some other discipline or as a novel method in some applied domain. But there is very little cross-fertilization, due to typical aversions to crossing community boundaries, philosophical differences, and terminology confusion. One even gleans cultural differences, such as an emphasis in Eastern cultures on systems that support collective rather than individual stakeholders. Thus, this book responds to the need for a clear, comprehensive, current, and interdisciplinary treatment of HC. Rather than just reporting on the state of practice, we have challenged the confi nes of our conceptual comfort zones and engaged in bold analysis and risky ideation – something humans still do much better than machines. Ultimately, we have sought to collectively assess the state of the art and anticipate future directions, presenting the combination as a foundation and inspiration for future work and unlikely collaborations