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It is impossible to conceive of modern medicine without electronic engineering.
Advances in electronics have revolutionised diagnostic tools and created mobile medicine, touch-sensitive prosthetics, remote surgery, artificial organs such as hearts and retinas, and bionic skins. Electronic engineers have also invented microsystems for drug implants and sensors for the early detection of disease. More often than not, what is perceived and described by the general public as a new advance in medicine is in fact a brilliant application of electronic engineering in the medical field. Of particular strength is the connection between electronics and neuroscience.
This is because it has been a two-way affair. In one direction, the brain has been
modelled by electronic engineers as a collection of electronic circuit building blocks for the purposes of studying its function and diagnosis of its malfunctions. In the other direction the brain has repaid the electronics specialists by providing them with the ideas of artificial neural networks and artificial intelligence. This is now leading to efforts to understand and recreate human cognition which will probably give rise to significant advances in machine intelligence as well as having a great impact on neural medicine. It is certain that the cooperation between electronic engineers and neuroscientists will continue to intensify as more progress is made towards intelligent machines with increasing capabilities. This book is concerned with the first aspect of this relationship, i.e. it deals with the areas of electronic engineering which are needed in neuromedicine and neuroscience
1 An electronic perspective of the brain
2 The brain as a signal processor
3 Neural signal processing
4 Electronic psychiatry
5 Neural engineering: merging neuroscience with engineering