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Dust is a highly influential ingredient of the cosmos that affects most areas of research in modern astronomy. Small (submicrometer-sized) solid particles pervade interstellar space in the Milky Way and other galaxies, in environments that range from interstellar clouds to protoplanetary disks, from circumstellar outflows to active galactic nuclei. The study of this phenomenon is both an important area of research in its own right and a necessary concomitant for specialists in many other areas of astronomy and related disciplines.
The goal of this text is to provide a thorough overview of the subject, covering general concepts, methods of investigation, important results and their significance, and suggestions for promising avenues of future investigation. The level is appropriate for advanced undergraduate and beginning postgraduate students embarking on related research, and established researchers seeking a primer on this topic. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with basic concepts in stellar and galactic astronomy, such as stellar magnitudes and distance scales and the spectral classification sequence, and has a qualitative familiarity with galactic structure and stellar evolution according to current models.
Astrophysical Dust: An Overview
The Interaction of Dust and Electromagnetic Radiation
The Observed Properties of Dust—I. Extinction
The Observed Properties of Dust—II. Polarization
The Observed Properties of Dust—III. Infrared Absorption Features
The Observed Properties of Dust—IV. Continuum and Line Emission
The Observed Properties of Dust—V. Element Depletions
The Life Cycle of Dust—I. Circumstellar Origins
The Life Cycle of Dust—II. From the ISM to Protostars and Planets