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The AWS Lambda service supports the Node.js runtime that makes it possible to run JavaScript code in the AWS cloud. This book is to teach you how to do it right, starting from the basics of how the Lambda service works through the configuration options and how programming for serverless is different, all to specific tools to help you. By the end of this book, you'll know the specific aspects of using JavaScript on AWS Lambda, the best practices, and the common pitfalls. The structure of the book follows a bottom-up approach. You'll learn the Lambda environment first, then how to configure JavaScript functions. After that, we'll move on to programming, then debugging.
Serverless computing allows scalability from zero to practically infinity. Inside AWS, Lambda is the key service to run functions.But while the code is in a familiar language, the runtime environment, the connected services, and the best practices are all different than in server-based architectures.
This books helps you bring what you already know - programming in JavaScript with Node.Js - to AWS Lambda.
Developing serverless applications is frustrating at first. Up until the "Hello world" everything is easy, but then a lot of small differences come to the surface. Things like why some requests are way slower than others, how to set the available memory, and why a sensible timeout is important. These are the results of how the Lambda execution environment works, and it is markedly different from running Node.Js on a server.
And it's not just how the function is run, but also what other services it interacts with. CloudWatch and Logs, IAM, and API Gateway, not to mention a database most functions will use. It's overwhelming at first.
This book systematically walks you through the configuration options and gives just the right amount of background information so that you'll know what parts are important. With it, you'll be able to set up your Lambda functions using best practices and avoid the common problems.
* Understand how the Lambda execution environment works
* Learn how to write JavaScript serverless functions
* And walk away with knowledge about debuggers and HTTP APIs
Chapter 1: The Lambda execution model
Serverless functions
The cost model
At-least-once execution
Caching in /tmp
Cold start
Chapter 2: Setup
Node versions
The Lambda permission model
How to define code
Inline code
File interpolation
Adding packages with npm
Handler argument
Chapter 3: Programming model
Async handler
Async programming patterns
Background tasks
Input and output
The event object
The context object
Environment variables
Cause of timeouts
Mitigating timeouts
AWS SDK timeouts
Promise-based timeout handling
Chapter 4: Debugging
Custom segments
Chapter 5: Other topics
Storing secrets
Using SSM
Cache time
OpenAPI backend
Request parameters
Special handlers
Express backend