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The book deals with the application of various measures of information like the entropy, divergence, inaccuracy, etc. in modelling lifetimes of devices or equipment in reliability analysis. This is an emerging area of study and research during the last two decades and is of potential interest in many fields. In this work the classical measures of uncertainty are sufficiently modified to meet the needs of lifetime data analysis. The book provides an exhaustive collection of materials in a single volume to make it a comprehensive source of reference.
The first treatise on the subject. It brings together the work that have appeared in journals on different disciplines. It will serve as a text for graduate students and practioners of special studies in information theory, as well as statistics and as a reference book for researchers. The book contains illustrative examples, tables and figures for clarifying the concepts and methodologies, the book is self-contained. It helps students to access information relevant to careers in industry, engineering, applied statistics, etc.
Reliability analysis and information theory
Basic reliability functions
Quantile-based reliability functions
Quantile function models
Ageing and associated criteria
Concepts based on hazard rate
Concepts based on residual life
Classes based on survival function
Concepts in reversed time
Order statistics
Log concave and convex distributions
Weighted distributions
Stochastic orders
Residual Entropy
Definition and properties of entropy
Differential entropy
Residual entropy
Order statistics
Quantile-based residual entropy
Weighted residual entropy
Stochastic orders
Estimation and testing
Residual extropy
Entropy of Past Life
Past entropy
Properties of past entropy
Past quantile entropy
Order statistics
Weighted past entropy
Interval entropy
Past extropy
Generalized Entropies
Renyi entropy
Tsallis entropy
Varma entropy
Other entropies
Divergence Measures
Kullback-Leibler divergence
Renyi’s divergence
Varma divergence
Csiszar’s family
Chernoff distance
Lin-Wong divergence
Inaccuracy of residual lives
Quantile-based inaccuracy
Past inaccuracy measure
Cumulative Entropy
Cumulative entropy of residual life
Cumulative residual entropy of order n
Dynamic version of Cn
Weighted cumulative residual entropy
Cumulative entropy
Quantile-based cumulative entropy
Other topics
Generalized Cumulative Entropy and Divergence
Survival and failure entropies
Cumulative divergence
Cumulative Tsallis entropy
Cumulative Varma’s entropy
Cumulative residual inaccuracy
Generalized cumulative residual entropy