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Differential equations course is one of the main courses of all engineering majors which is taught for freshman or sophomore students. The subjects include different types of first-order differential equations, including separable differential equation, linear differential equation,
Bernoulli differential equation, and complete (exact) differential equation different types of
second-order differential equations with constant coefficients, including homogeneous and
non-homogeneous differential equations that are solved using inverse operator method, undetermined coefficient method, and Lagrange method and differential equations with variable
coefficients that are solved by using series and Laplace transform. Moreover, many examples about Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform of different types of functions are presented. Like the previously published textbooks, the textbook includes very detailed and multiple methods of problem solutions. It can be used as a practicing textbook by students and as a supplementary teaching source by instructors. To help students study the textbook in the most efficient way, the exercises have been categorized in nine different levels. In this regard, for each problem of the textbook a difficulty level (easy, normal, or hard) and a calculation amount (small, normal, or large) have been assigned. Moreover, in each chapter, problems have been ordered from the easiest problem with the smallest calculations to the most difficult problems with the largest calculations. Therefore, students are suggested to start studying the textbook from the easiest problems and continue practicing until they reach the normal and then the hardest ones. On the other hand, this classification can help instructors choose their desirable problems to conduct a quiz or a test. Moreover, the classification of computation amount can help students manage their time during future exams and instructors give the appropriate problems based on the exam duration. Since the problems have very detailed solutions and some of them include multiple methods of solution, the textbook can be useful for the under-prepared students. In addition, the textbook is beneficial for knowledgeable students because it includes advanced exercises. In the preparation of problem solutions, it has been tried to use typical methods to present the textbook as an instructor-recommended one. In other words, the heuristic methods of problem solution have never been used as the first method of problem solution. By considering this key point, the textbook will be in the direction of instructo’s lectures, and the instructors will not see any untaught problem solutions in their student's answer sheets.
The Iranian University Entrance Exams for the master’s and PhD programs in electrical engineering major is the main reference of the textbook however, all the problem solutions have been provided by me. The Iranian University Entrance Exam is one of the most competitive university entrance exams in the world that allows only 10% of the applicants to get into prestigious and tuition-free Iranian universities.
The Other Works Published by the Author.
About the Author.
Problems: First-Order Differential Equations.
Solutions of Problems: First-Order Differential Equations.
Problems: Second-Order Differential Equations.
Solutions of Problems: Second-Order Differential Equations.
Problems: Series and Their Applications in Solving Differential Equations.
Solutions of Problems: Series and Their Applications in Solving Differential Equations.
Problems: Laplace Transform and Its Applications in Solving Differential Equations.
Solutions of Problems: Laplace Transform and Its Applications in Solving Differential Equations.