SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Stars: - Series Plot: 1855, the height of the Australian gold fever, coming just a few years after the peak of the California gold rush. For the Chinese, this new opportunity is known as the 'New Gold Mountain'. Wei Shing, the intriguingly charismatic – and occasionally ruthless – 'headman' leader of the White Hills Chinese mining camp, struggles to maintain the fragile harmony between the Chinese and European diggers. But, when Shing discovers the murdered body of a European woman, he uncovers a series of connections to the Chinese camp with implications disastrous both for himself and his people.
EPISODE INFO Title: Propriety Airdate: 2021-10-13 Episode plot: Set in 1857 and inspired by real life, the series follows a group of compelling characters brought together during the wild west era of the Australian gold rush. When Chinese headman Wei Shing stumbles across a valuable new gold seam on the frontier, he sets to figuring out how to enrich himself as much as he can. But when the body of a murdered European woman turns up on the Chinese walking trail, Wei Shing finds himself implicated in her death.
Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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