SERIES INFO Genre: Family Game Show Reality Special Interest Stars: - Series Plot: In the first Christmas lights competition of its kind for television, 4 families will compete each week to transform their homes for the holidays in just 21 days. These 20 families were chosen through an extensive nationwide search based on their previous elaborate Christmas light displays, incredible choreography and over-the-top designs.
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 1 Airdate: 2019-12-02 Episode plot: The Brewster family show their “Christmas in New York City” themed display, featuring a Herald Square stage with dancers inspired by The Rockettes and a massive tree in Brewerton, New York- the Chiles family show their “Miracle of a Million Lights” display covering outside and inside of an 1880s-era mansion with 60-foot-tall candy cane trees and a life-size snow globe in Portland, Oregon- the Sanda twins combine their sophisticated DIY skills to create a freeform lighting technique never before seen on the show, featuring handmade motorized controls that create the illusion of twinkling lights and a nativity scene starring a homemade animatronic Santa bearing gifts in Glendale, Arizona- and the Rose family show their holiday display covering every square inch of their house, featuring handmade gingerbread cutouts, an inflatable hugging bear and a garden area dedicated to the memory of their daughter in Hazlet, New Jersey. Judge Taniya Nayak makes the decision.
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