Set in 1989, the series follows 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper as he attends high school in the fictional town of Medford, Texas, and tries to fit in the world around him while his family and friends attempt to deal with his unique intellectual capabilities and social challenges.
SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Family Stars: Zoe Perry, Reagan Revord, Iain Armitage, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Ryan Phuong, Annie Potts, Wallace Shawn Series Plot: Set in 1989, the series follows 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper as he attends high school in the fictional town of Medford, Texas, and tries to fit in the world around him while his family and friends attempt to deal with his unique intellectual capabilities and social challenges.
EPISODE INFO Title: Quirky Eggheads and Texas Snow Globes Airdate: 2019-09-26 Episode plot: After Dr. Sturgis experiences a nervous breakdown, Mary worries Sheldon is headed down a similar path. Also, Georgie discovers he has a knack for sales.