SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Stars: - Series Plot: This brand new, three-part series presents a bold series of scientific experiments to delve deep into the way children experience life across Britain and the world today. Exploring key areas such as risk-taking, independence, morality and gender awareness in a range of scenarios, Planet Child seeks to further our understanding of children’s development.
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 1 Airdate: 2019-05-01 Episode plot: Twin doctors Chris and Xand van Tulleken set out to explore whether the decline in children's freedom is affecting their ability to learn the skills they need for healthy development. We meet Michi, a seven year-old living in Tokyo who commutes across the city completely alone to get to school. Inspired by his independence, the van Tulleken's challenge a group of British children aged four-seven years old to travel across London and catch a bus to the London Eye - all without their parents.
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