SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Stars: Aiden Turner, Amanda Clayton, April Parker Jones, Dawan Owens, Denzel Wells, Edwina Findley Dickerson, Eltony Willians, Heather Hemmens, Joel Rush, Charles Malik Whitfield Series Plot: This sexy, sleek drama takes viewers into the lives of a group of husbands, wives and friends that live and love in the same middle class neighborhood. On the surface they are true-to-life, relatable people – raising children, working jobs, finding and maintaining romance - but just below the veneer of happiness, their lives are entangled by heartbreak, deceit and lies that threaten to destroy everything.
EPISODE INFO Title: Something is Rotten Airdate: 2017-11-07 Episode plot: Randal secretly undermines Marcie in her attempts to hire legal counsel. Also, Eddie surprises Esperanza and is angered by his discovery
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