File | Size |
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4 | 103.45 MB |
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.vtt | 14.62 kB |
1. Introduction/1.1 All source code on Github.html | 98.00 B |
1. Introduction/1.2 unov3pdf.pdf.html | 93.00 B |
1. Introduction/2. Please read this before continuing!.html | 3.14 kB |
1. Introduction/3. Components needed for this project.html | 127.00 B |
1. Introduction/4. Where can you find the sketch source code.mp4 | 16.95 MB |
1. Introduction/4. Where can you find the sketch source code.vtt | 3.57 kB |
1. Introduction/5. Hello World! Diodes, LEDs, and your 1st circuit.mp4 | 54.72 MB |
1. Introduction/5. Hello World! Diodes, LEDs, and your 1st circuit.vtt | 10.86 kB |
1. Introduction/5.1 L2 Blinking LED.png | 131.60 kB |
1. Introduction/6. Hello World! Your 1st sketch.mp4 | 29.89 MB |
1. Introduction/6. Hello World! Your 1st sketch.vtt | 8.79 kB |
1. Introduction/6.1 L2 Blinking LED.png | 131.60 kB |
1. Introduction/7. Use Pulse Width Modules, make the LED fade.mp4 | 38.72 MB |
1. Introduction/7. Use Pulse Width Modules, make the LED fade.vtt | 11.30 kB |
1. Introduction/7.1 L2 Blinking LED.png | 131.60 kB |
2. Arduino development basics/1. Compilers, the IDE instructions and functions.mp4 | 32.62 MB |
2. Arduino development basics/1. Compilers, the IDE instructions and functions.vtt | 17.60 kB |
2. Arduino development basics/2. Operators.mp4 | 55.19 MB |
2. Arduino development basics/2. Operators.vtt | 17.70 kB |
2. Arduino development basics/2.1 futureshockedjing.html | 142.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/2.2 futureshockedjing.html | 146.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/2.3 futureshockedjing.html | 140.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/2.4 futureshockedjing.html | 130.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/3. Control structures.mp4 | 37.93 MB |
2. Arduino development basics/3. Control structures.vtt | 11.99 kB |
2. Arduino development basics/3.1 futureshockedjing.html | 140.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/3.2 futureshockedjing.html | 146.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/3.3 futureshockedjing.html | 142.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/3.4 futureshockedjing.html | 130.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/4. Frequently used functions.mp4 | 31.35 MB |
2. Arduino development basics/4. Frequently used functions.vtt | 10.65 kB |
2. Arduino development basics/4.1 futureshockedjing.html | 146.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/4.2 futureshockedjing.html | 140.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/4.3 futureshockedjing.html | 142.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/4.4 futureshockedjing.html | 130.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/5. Custom functions.mp4 | 49.09 MB |
2. Arduino development basics/5. Custom functions.vtt | 17.25 kB |
2. Arduino development basics/5.1 futureshockedjing.html | 140.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/5.2 futureshockedjing.html | 144.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/5.3 futureshockedjing.html | 144.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/6. Reading and writing digital and analog values.mp4 | 40.89 MB |
2. Arduino development basics/6. Reading and writing digital and analog values.vtt | 13.20 kB |
2. Arduino development basics/6.1 futureshockedjing.html | 134.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/6.2 futureshockedjing.html | 148.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/7. Digital and analog readwrite demonstration.mp4 | 97.73 MB |
2. Arduino development basics/7. Digital and analog readwrite demonstration.vtt | 14.94 kB |
2. Arduino development basics/7.1 futureshockedjing.html | 134.00 B |
2. Arduino development basics/7.2 futureshockedjing.html | 148.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/1. Measuring light with Lux and the Axel-Benz formula.mp4 | 21.47 MB |
3. Constructing JING/1. Measuring light with Lux and the Axel-Benz formula.vtt | 6.94 kB |
3. Constructing JING/1.1 Photo Bb.png | 201.08 kB |
3. Constructing JING/1.2 futureshockedjing.html | 128.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/10. Upload data from a single sensor to Emoncms.mp4 | 61.39 MB |
3. Constructing JING/10. Upload data from a single sensor to Emoncms.vtt | 15.60 kB |
3. Constructing JING/10.1 futureshockedjing.html | 150.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/10.2 JING Final Schematic.png | 306.29 kB |
3. Constructing JING/10.3 futureshockedjing.html | 156.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/11. Setting up logging and visualising data on Emoncms.mp4 | 20.30 MB |
3. Constructing JING/11. Setting up logging and visualising data on Emoncms.vtt | 9.11 kB |
3. Constructing JING/11.1 futureshockedjing.html | 131.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/11.2 futureshockedjing.html | 128.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/11.3 JING Final Schematic.png | 306.29 kB |
3. Constructing JING/12. Completing the hardware assembly.mp4 | 58.19 MB |
3. Constructing JING/12. Completing the hardware assembly.vtt | 5.20 kB |
3. Constructing JING/12.1 futureshockedjing.html | 128.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/12.2 futureshockedjing.html | 131.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/12.3 JING Final Schematic.png | 306.29 kB |
3. Constructing JING/13. The Jing complete sketch walkthrough.mp4 | 19.39 MB |
3. Constructing JING/13. The Jing complete sketch walkthrough.vtt | 6.00 kB |
3. Constructing JING/13.1 JING Final Schematic.png | 306.29 kB |
3. Constructing JING/13.2 futureshockedjing.html | 128.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/13.3 futureshockedjing.html | 131.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/14. Completing the Jing dashboard.mp4 | 22.74 MB |
3. Constructing JING/14. Completing the Jing dashboard.vtt | 6.31 kB |
3. Constructing JING/14.1 futureshockedjing.html | 131.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/14.2 JING Final Schematic.png | 306.29 kB |
3. Constructing JING/14.3 futureshockedjing.html | 128.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/2. Measuring light with a photoresistor demonstration.mp4 | 92.28 MB |
3. Constructing JING/2. Measuring light with a photoresistor demonstration.vtt | 11.90 kB |
3. Constructing JING/2.1 Photo Bb.png | 201.08 kB |
3. Constructing JING/2.2 futureshockedjing.html | 128.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/3. Measuring temperature and humidity.mp4 | 92.85 MB |
3. Constructing JING/3. Measuring temperature and humidity.vtt | 19.88 kB |
3. Constructing JING/3.1 Circuit DHT.png | 137.89 kB |
3. Constructing JING/3.2 futureshockedjing.html | 134.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/4. Measuring barometric pressure.mp4 | 110.03 MB |
3. Constructing JING/4. Measuring barometric pressure.vtt | 19.30 kB |
3. Constructing JING/4.1 futureshockedjing.html | 144.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/4.2 Breadboard L9 Barometric Sensor.png | 135.96 kB |
3. Constructing JING/5. Adding an LCD screen, setup the circuit.mp4 | 107.20 MB |
3. Constructing JING/5. Adding an LCD screen, setup the circuit.vtt | 12.96 kB |
3. Constructing JING/5.1 futureshockedjing.html | 136.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/5.2 L24 LCD Screen Fritzing.png | 149.33 kB |
3. Constructing JING/5.3 futureshockedjing.html | 136.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/5.4 Weather Station No Ethernet Bb.png | 289.88 kB |
3. Constructing JING/6. Adding an LCD screen, adding a library and sketch walkthrough.mp4 | 57.70 MB |
3. Constructing JING/6. Adding an LCD screen, adding a library and sketch walkthrough.vtt | 12.84 kB |
3. Constructing JING/6.1 futureshockedjing.html | 136.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/6.2 futureshockedjing.html | 136.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/6.3 L24 LCD Screen Fritzing.png | 149.33 kB |
3. Constructing JING/6.4 futureshockedjing.html | 154.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/6.5 WeatherStation No Ethernet_bb.png.png | 298.65 kB |
3. Constructing JING/7. Create an echo server with the Ethernet Shield.mp4 | 76.31 MB |
3. Constructing JING/7. Create an echo server with the Ethernet Shield.vtt | 17.63 kB |
3. Constructing JING/7.1 L13 Demo 2 Bb.png | 201.53 kB |
3. Constructing JING/7.2 Weather Station Ethernet Bb.png | 289.88 kB |
3. Constructing JING/7.3 Windows 10 How to install a Telnet client.html | 112.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/7.4 futureshockedjing.html | 132.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/7.5 futureshockedjing.html | 134.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/8. Transmit sensor data with the Ethernet Shield.mp4 | 51.07 MB |
3. Constructing JING/8. Transmit sensor data with the Ethernet Shield.vtt | 13.71 kB |
3. Constructing JING/8.1 futureshockedjing.html | 134.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/8.2 L13 Demo 2 Bb.png | 201.53 kB |
3. Constructing JING/8.3 futureshockedjing.html | 132.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/8.4 Weather Station Ethernet Bb.png | 289.88 kB |
3. Constructing JING/9. Emoncms, what is it, walkthrough.mp4 | 60.88 MB |
3. Constructing JING/9. Emoncms, what is it, walkthrough.vtt | 15.78 kB |
3. Constructing JING/9.1 JING Final Schematic.png | 306.29 kB |
3. Constructing JING/9.2 futureshockedjing.html | 156.00 B |
3. Constructing JING/9.3 futureshockedjing.html | 150.00 B |
4. Video Responses/1. How to configure a widget (and why is a widget blank).mp4 | 4.05 MB |
4. Video Responses/1. How to configure a widget (and why is a widget blank).vtt | 1.75 kB |
5. Conclusion/1. Wrap-it up, what did we learn, and improvements.mp4 | 52.96 MB |
5. Conclusion/1. Wrap-it up, what did we learn, and improvements.vtt | 8.53 kB |
5. Conclusion/2. Other educational content from Peter, including coupon offers.html | 463.00 B |
Udemy Course downloader.txt | 94.00 B | | 132.00 B |