SERIES INFO Genre: Reality Special Interest Stars: - Series Plot: In one of the most remote and rugged places on the planet, expert hunting guide Bob May has led scores of outdoorsmen and adventurers during their dream trips on the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska. Now it's his turn to do some dreaming. Bob sets out to build the ultimate hunting lodge that will become his own piece of heaven on earth. But even the most rugged Alaskan needs some help from time to time. That's where his son and team of experts come in. Watch as they battle the elements and personal challenges to make a dream home a reality in DIY Network's Building Alaska.
EPISODE INFO Title: Heads Up Airdate: 2015-03-15 Episode plot: The drama at Derek's cliffside build near Valdez escalates after rain saturates the region and an accident on the roof almost takes out a crew member. Tony leaves his build in Bobby's hands to tend to another job and returns to find an injury has occurred. Lee discovers the culprit behind a messy footprint while the crew faces sketchy conditions to install the custom windows on their 2500 square foot Bulchitna Lake build.