SERIES INFO Genre: Crime Documentary Stars: - Series Plot: Directed by Academy Award-nominee Amy Berg, four-part documentary series The Case Against Adnan Syed explores the 1999 disappearance and murder of 18-year-old Baltimore County high school student Hae Min Lee, and the subsequent conviction of her ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed — a case brought to global attention by the hugely popular Serial podcast.
EPISODE INFO Title: Time is the Killer Airdate: 2019-03-31 Episode plot: Despite being granted a new trial, Adnan Syed and his attorneys contend with the State's repeated appeals, while a competitive primary race for Baltimore City State's Attorney has the potential to affect the case's future. Private investigators grapple with outstanding questions as they re-analyze the forensic evidence surrounding Hae Min Lee's death and Syed faces a major decision as his 20th year in prison approaches. On March 8, 2019, the Court of Appeals issues a new ruling to reverse both lower court decisions and deny him a new trial.
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