SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: Jameela Jamil, Brian Quinn, James Murray, Sal Vulcano, Joe Gatto Series Plot: The Misery Index is the only game show where contestants can make a fortune out of other people's mis-fortune. The game will feature two teams, each consisting of one contestant and two Tenderloins. Teams will compete in a game of stakes ranking hysterically miserable real-life experiences — from getting stuck overnight in an elevator to walking in on your grandparents having sex — on a scale of 1-100 based on our Misery Index, a ranking system created by a team of therapists.
EPISODE INFO Title: Bridge Over Troubled Infomercial Airdate: 2021-03-23 Episode plot: On a "Flat Out Dangerous" edition of The Misery Index, see Sal take on the dirtiest job, hell hath no fury like a wife's revenge and how wood chippers are for wood..not people.