SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Stars: Nick Offerman, Jenny Slate, Paul Rust, Aparna Nancherla, Will Forte Series Plot: The Great North follows the Alaskan adventures of the Tobin family, as a single dad, Beef, does his best to keep his weird bunch of kids close - especially his only daughter, Judy, whose artistic dreams lead her away from the family fishing boat and into the glamorous world of the local mall. Rounding out the family are Judy's older brother, Wolf his fiancé, Honeybee her middle brother, Ham and ten-year-old-going-on-fifty little brother, Moon. While the children's mother is not in the picture, Judy seeks guidance from her new boss, Alyson, and her imaginary friend, Alanis Morissette, who appears to her in the Northern Lights.
EPISODE INFO Title: Period Piece Adventure Airdate: 2021-03-21 Episode plot: Judy asks Alyson to help her with an exciting opportunity to lead an art project at school the local paper prints a story involving Beef.