SERIES INFO Genre: Family Game Show Reality Special Interest Stars: - Series Plot: In the first Christmas lights competition of its kind for television, 4 families will compete each week to transform their homes for the holidays in just 21 days. These 20 families were chosen through an extensive nationwide search based on their previous elaborate Christmas light displays, incredible choreography and over-the-top designs.
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 5 Airdate: 2020-12-23 Episode plot: The Seddio family has one of the oldest displays in New York City, featuring Santa's workshop filled with charming animatronics, a singing Christmas tree, a blimp, and even stars from Disney on Ice in Brooklyn, New York- the Priem family creates a megawatt synchronized light show incorporating larger-than-life presents, Christmas ornaments, and a mega tree in Atlanta, Georgia- the Koors family fills every acre of their property with lights and simulated snow in Independence, Kentucky- and the Bigda family uses hand-drawn cutouts depicting every Disney character imaginable, crafted by everyday items in Winter Haven, Florida. Taniya Nayak decides the winner.