User details for RedSnt

Username RedSnt:_male:
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Joined 2020-06-21 11:44:28
Last Visit 2025-02-18 19:59:56
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    66
Forum Posts 2
Total reviews 1
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Back to even keel for you.
2023-08-11 13:18:22
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I guess people can only take a melon-head joke when it's directed at Karl Pilkington and not at Ricky "beachball" Gervais :_:?
2022-05-25 06:59:05
So, was this ripped correctly? Or was the source material also with the top of his head cut off? Either way, probably a good thing I don't have to watch too much of his melon head.
2022-05-24 22:52:41
Nice to have an alternative to MeGusta. Their encodes tend to have some artifacts, this looks a lot better.:_party
2022-05-06 14:17:54
Wow, seems like a really divisive show based on the few user reviews on IMDb, yet the score is close to 9.6 at the writing of this comment. ⚖
2022-02-05 15:08:24
What happened last week with s01e06? I was worried this series had been dropped due to bad IMDb ratings (which are unfounded imo). Thanks for the upload tho 👍
2021-01-29 09:04:23
:) Long awaited sequel. Took a little while to get the seeders going.. Thanks tho!
2020-07-16 19:19:52

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Happy to see TGx back. Let's hope the return of people doesn't result in accidental DDoS and the site goes down again.
2024-09-04 12:03:31
So far I'm very pleased with the new check. I didn't mind having to write captcha's but I assume the new one is one of those that scan for mouse movements or something which is used to ...
2024-06-02 23:42:42

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I really want the soundtrack for this. Frank Klepacki has a song in this game, but I've only found the ingame soundtrack on bandcamp, not all the songs. ( )
2022-05-13 07:39:57
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2020-06-21 11:45:09

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